Wednesday, February 24, 2010


Biosomatic cellular engineering is a new discipline, a mixture of art and science. It is NOT medicine but a distinct discipline. The aim of BSCE is to engineer the somatic cells of an organism by introducing certain genes or other coding sequences into the somatic cells of the organism, without affecting the germ line. In addition to this genetic engineering aspect, another aspect is to artificially create a copy of youthful human stem cells and use them to replenish human tissues during the natural aging process as to preserve the overall youth of the organism. The bottom line is that what we need to do is simply to copy a young cell. The key is being able to replicate a young stem cell and re-implant it in its tissue. Or create replacement organs made up by these cells. Ensuring continued homeostasis in the organism's tissue may be the key to prolonging life
the goal of Biosomatic Cellular Engineering would be to create synthetic replicas of youthful stem cells.  These synthetic cells should be patterned on the stem cells of a young individual and should be engineered to be replicas of the stem cells themselves and differentiated enough not to cause cancer when implanted. Being copies of the stem cell of an individual would assure that there is no immune rejection when these are reinfused in the recipient.  Advances in Genetic Engineering, Cell Biology and Nanotechnology would be required to be able to accomplish such a feat. Human Embryonic stem cells cannot be used to rejuvenate the human body, at least not directly. this is due to two main reasons1) the process of therapeutic cloning has very low efficiency and to produce just one embryonic stem cell line one would need to harvest about fifty egg cells. Harvesting eggs is not without health risks for the women who donate the eggs (ovarian hyperactivity syndrome is one such risk for example). It is unacceptable to harvest eggs on this scale to create embryos destined to be destroyed. .2) direct injection of human embryonic stem cells into a human body would likely result in the development of cancers as it has occurred in a recent medical procedure:
One modern theory about aging is that it is caused by the progressive depletion of stem cells from the organism's tissues. Over time not enough new functional differentiated and specialized cells are produced to renew a tissue and maintain its function, due to depletion of the stem cell stocks within the tissue. Since this process happens in all the tissues of an organism, the end result is aging.

In addition the synthetic stem cells could be engineered to carry certain gene variants which are naturally found in animals exhibiting negligible senescence, such as Rockfish, Bowback whales and giant turtles. All these animals have maximum lifespans in excess of 150 years, with some surpassing 200 years. 

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